
Prevent or Stop Wage Garnishments

Our tax defense attorneys provide legal help to quickly stop IRS garnishments and release your money from being garnished by the IRS.

Stop Collections

Our tax defense attorney provide legal help to get you protected from IRS collection. Don’t wait until the IRS places a federal tax lien or tax levy against your assets!

Offer In Compromise

Our Tax Defense Attorney provide legal help to get you in an Offer in Compromise with the IRS so you can pay less than the amount you owed.

Remove Tax Penalties

Our tax attorneys can help you remove tax penalties that are overdue or any unpaid tax.

Remove IRS Tax Liens

Our tax defense attorneys help release tax liens by reaching a resolution with the IRS on your behalf.

Business Registration

We have the right tax experts that work with companies of all sizes and offer products, services and tools that provide companies the support they need throughout the life of their business. Here are some of our business registration services:

  •     Corporations
  •     Partnerships
  •     LLCs/LLPs
  •     S Corporations
  •     Non-Profit organizations

Bookkeeping and Payroll Services

We offer Affordable bookkeeping service rates and pricing packages designed around your business. Custom fee solutions tailor-fitted for your specific needs are one call away.

  • Employment Payroll services 1099/or W2
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Expense Reports
  • Financial Statements

Home Loans & Refinance Services

Explore your financing options. Refinance your mortgage for a lower rate, access cash or lock in a lower interest rate. We’ll guide you through your options on how refinancing works and how to secure the best mortgage options.

Reverse Mortgages – If you’re 62 or older – and want money to pay off your mortgage, supplement your income, or pay for healthcare expenses – you may consider a reverse mortgage. It allows you to convert part of the equity in your home into cash without having to sell your home or pay additional monthly bills. Let us take the time to pre-qualify you for the best reverse mortgage options.

Estate Planning

Let Ristben Tax Help turn your dreams into a tangible plan of action that incorporates all aspects of your financial and personal life. See how our estate planning and trust services can help you accomplish your many goals. Planning for the future. Our planning services are fully integrated to meet your many objectives.

  • Simple wills, Living trusts, Durable power of attorney, Special needs trust
  • Retirement Planning
  • Wealth & Asset Management

How It Works


Our tax defense experts will take the time to review and present you with the best option to resolve your tax problems for FREE.


During the investigation phase, we focus on making sure that you, your money, and your assets are all protected. We establish our representation of your case with the IRS and/or state taxing agencies by submitting the power of attorney. Upon completion of your tax investigation, we will provide you with an overview of the options available and the resolution that will be best for you.


During the Resolution phase, our legal team will work to achieve the best solution for your specific situation. The first step to any resolution is filing compliance.

Ristben Tax will make sure that your tax returns will take advantage of all applicable deductions and credits tor educe your overall tax liability. Our master tax preparers can also strategically amend and refile tax returns that were not accurately prepare the first time. We specialize in small business and corporate tax returns.

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